Get Involved: Join the MK Neighborhood Tree Committee!
Love the beautiful trees in Meridian-Kessler?
Come to our initial Call-Out for the MK Neighborhood Tree Committee!
The Bent Rail Brewery at 5301 Winthrop
February 24 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Your first beer is on us!
Meridian-Kessler Neighborhood Association is hosting a Callout for Volunteers to contribute ideas and to help organize an All Neighborhood Meeting about the Trees on May 12.
We’d love to have your ideas, energy and talents as part of a new Tree Committee for MKNA.
Goals include promoting tree plantings, preservation, and maintenance.
If you can’t attend the Callout but would like more information, please send your contact information to:
Elizabeth Jarvis at 317-283-3028