Infrastructure Update: Safe Routes to School
(updated 11/7/16 to correct misinformation on project)
On October 9, 2016, MKNA met with Mr. Mark Zwoyer the Administrator of Engineering at DPW. Mark is our contact for the three Safe Routes to School projects envisioned for Meridian-Kessler.
The three projects are as follows:
1) Sidewalks along 57th St (both sides in most but not all cases) between Meridian Street and College Avenue; curb bump outs along Washington Blvd and Central Avenue are included (but not along 57th St)
2) Sidewalks along Central Avenue (both sides) from 54th Street to 57th Street
3) Sidewalks along Park Avenue (both sides) from 44th Street to 46th Street. Curb bump-outs will be placed on Park Ave at the north side of the intersection of 44th St and Park and at the south side of the intersection of 46th St and Park. The bump outs will provide for only two traffic lanes at these points.
The design for these individual projects has been Federally funded and is nearly completed. However, the funding to construct the sidewalks, driveway cuts and bump outs must come from local City funds. For this reason, letters requesting temporary use and appraisal of private property (for driveway cuts) will be applicable for five years. NO PROPERTY IS BEING PERMANENTLY TAKEN FOR USE! The fact that this project is Federally funded in part necessitates the appraisal and temporary use approach related to private property for these sidewalk improvements.
Letters to residents along 57th have been sent out, causing a bit of resident angst and confusion. Residents along Central Ave and Park Ave. will likely receive similar letters within the next six to twelve months.
To mitigate resident concerns in advance of such letter, a meeting is now scheduled for 6:30 PM (30-60 min MAX) at Northwood Church (4550 Central Ave) in the Library on Wednesday, November 9. Mr. Zwoyer will be present to show drawings and to explain what will be done, why letters will be sent out, and to explain the funding situation.
Please click here to contact Jerrey Finnegan, Chair of the MKNA Infrastructure Committee if you have questions.