Home Tour Recap: Tyner Family Home
3855 N. Park Ave.
Robyn and Matt Tyner are Indy natives and always knew they wanted to settle in the Meridian Kessler neighborhood attracted by the urban feel, diversity and equal proximately to their workplaces in downtown and north Indy.

The Tyner’s purchased this complete new build modern prairie home in 2018 during it’s building process, allowing the Tyner’s to make some design decisions to fit their taste. This home provides the Tyner’s lots of living space, including a finished basement, four bedrooms, and quaint sitting area on the second floor. Although they’ve lived in the home less than a year, they’ve already hosted many holidays and parties putting the open floor space to great use. Since moving in they’ve completed the landscaping in the front yard, and have plans to turn the backyard into another living space with an outdoor kitchen.

Additional Features:
- Repurposed front doors
- Wrap around porch
- The custom wine glass rack in the dining room. This art was created by a friend showcasing the Indy skyline and the couple’s name
- The creative use of the M-K Zone map as art in the dining room
- Spacious master bath