Midtown Economic Council
Notice is hereby given that the Midtown Economic Council (MEC) will hold a public meeting on September 17th, 2019, at 5:30 pm at The National (215 E 38th Street) to consider a recommendation of support for the following proposed infrastructure improvements in the North Midtown Allocation Area:
· Streetscape Railings Along College Ave, 38th St to 66th St – Estimated Cost (Not to Exceed) $480k
· 54th Street Resurface – Estimated Cost (Not to Exceed) $100k; 2018 project
· Priority College Ave Alley Resurface – Estimated Cost (Not to Exceed) $400k
· 54th St Sidewalk Improvements (Monon to College Ave) – Cost TBD
· 42nd St & Boulevard Pl Sidewalk Improvements (Next to Ramsey Park) – Cost TBD
Pending the outcome of the meeting, the MEC will make a formal recommendation to the Metropolitan Development Commission (MDC) for partial or full funding of the projects with cash on hand proceeds from the North Midtown Tax Increment Finance (TIF) District. The MEC will submit its project recommendations to the MDC as appropriate.
This public meeting will include a limited period for public comments and questions. Comments and questions may also be submitted in writing in advance of the meeting by mail to MEC c/o Midtown Indianapolis, Inc., 3965 N Meridian St. Suite G, Indianapolis, IN 46208 or by email to info@midtownindy.org.