Washington Park Neighbors Draft Preservation Plan Objectives
Several months ago, the property owners of Washington Park (41st to 43rd between Pennsylvania Streets and Central Avenue) supported drafting a Preservation Plan. Since then, the Coordinating Committee, which is facilitating the drafting of this plan, has outlined a number of ways it will engage property owners in the process. One important method is through Neighborhood Consultant meetings, where property owners may provide suggestions and engage in open discussion.
On August 20, the committee held its first Neighborhood Consultant meeting. At the meeting, about 20 property owners shared feedback and offered suggestions on what was most important to protect through a Preservation Plan. Based on their input, the Coordinating Committee drafted objectives for the Draft Preservation Plan.
On September 17 at 9:00 am, the Coordinating Committee will present the draft objectives to the Neighborhood Consultants at the Northwood Christian Church, 4550 N Central Avenue. All Washington Park property owners are encouraged to attend. At the meeting, Neighborhood Consultants will also have the opportunity to provide more input on elements of the Draft Preservation Plan. For more information, visit Washingtonpark.mkna.org.