Land Use Update – Milhaus Proposal

 In Featured Posts, Land Use, News, Zoning Notice


November 7, 2016 • Land Use Update

5870 College Ave (AT&T Site Redevelopment)

Petitioner: Milhaus Development

City Petition: 2016-CZN-818 / 2016-CVR-818

On November 2nd the Indianapolis Metropolitan Development Commission (MDC) reviewed the rezoning and variances requested by Milhaus.  After testimony from both the petitioner and remonstrators, the MDC voted in SUPPORT of petition 2016-CZN-818 to rezone the property to an MU-2 zoning classification.  On petition 2016-CVR-818, the petition for the zoning variances, the MDC had a split vote of 3 to 3, resulting in the new hearing for this petition.

The petition for the variances will again be heard by the MDC at their meeting on Wednesday, November 16, 2016.  This meeting will be held in the Public Assembly Room of the City-County Building at 1:00pm and is open to all neighbors wishing to speak.


We continue encouraging all residents to participate in the process and have their voices heard as the process continues towards a final outcome.


For previous updates on this case, please see below:

May Land Use Committee Meeting Notice

July Land Use Committee  Meeting Notice

August Land Use Committee Meeting Notice

August 1st Milhaus Update

August 11th Milhaus Update

September Land Use Committee Meeting Notice

September 7th Milhaus Update

September 14th Milhaus Update

October 16th Milhaus Update


For those interested in learning more about the process, below are some resources:

Rezoning Process

Hearing Examiner Procedure

Indianapolis Zoning Code (details on MU-2 start on page 243, but are referenced in other sections)

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