On Tuesday, July 19, Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett joined members of the Heart Rock Justus Family Recovery Center, Overdose Lifeline, Inc., and representatives of the Meridian-Kessler [...]
Introducing MKNA IndyGo Transit Neighbors Pete McNamara and ‘the other’ Bart Peterson (not the former Mayor of Indianapolis!). Pete and Bart have been volunteering with IndyGo for over three [...]
The Meridian-Kessler Neighborhood Association will kick off its “Candidate Conversations” series this month creating an opportunity for candidates to engage with their constituents before the [...]
Notice is hereby given that the Midtown Economic Council (MEC) will hold a public meeting on September 17th, 2019, at 5:30 pm at The National (215 E 38th Street) to consider a […]
Return of 4-Way Stops MKNA has received an update from the the Department of Public works in regards to the temporary changes made to Central Avenue during Red Line Construction. At […]
A number of Meridian-Kessler infrastructure projects have moved from the design to construction phase according to the Department of Public Works Transportation Improvement Program. District 2: [...]
When it’s summer in Indianapolis, we’ve grown to expect a few things: humidity, excitement about the race and of course, construction. As traffic begins to divert from main [...]
The City of Indianapolis and the Indianapolis Police Department have come together to create a way for us to report various traffic-related issues. You can send a traffic complaint to the […]
All rides on IndyGo will be free on Wednesday, April 4 to honor and celebrate the Kennedy King Memorial 50th Anniversary. Additionally, transit routes to and from Kennedy King Park […]
The Department of Public Works (DPW) will host two public meetings to present on and answer questions about the recent storm water user fee rate adjustment. DPW staff will […]